Yuri De Keuster


"The essence of true leadership is the unwavering commitment to owning the choices we make, for in our choices and actions, we shape not only our destinies but the world's future."


Yuri De Keuster

Yuri De Keuster is considered a modern alchemist of personal development and leadership transformation. His dedication to guiding others on their inner journey of transformation, through self-discovery and holistic growth, has earned him a reputation as an explorer of the soul.


With an ardent curiosity and a drive for profound meaning, Yuri has walked several spiritual paths and undergone various transformations in consciousness. Each stage of his personal quest has enriched and deepened his insights, discovering the power of holistic thinking and a deeper connection to existence.


Yuri's vision of personal leadership reflects his inner quest for spirituality, authenticity, self-actualization and awareness of the authentic impact of congruence on the world. Like an alchemist of experiences, he reveals the hidden treasures in the mental, physical, emotional and energetic dimensions of human existence.


He strongly believes that true leadership is rooted in compassion, service and spiritual wisdom, and that this is the key to a world in which everyone can thrive. His leadership style transcends traditional power structures and aims to lead others to unconditional connection while inspiring them to realize their full potential. This is the essence of "The Fine Art of Being Human."


"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.

Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."

 Carl Jung