Where Personal Growth and PERSONAL LEADERSHIP Come Together!

Imagine a world where you are fully empowered, where you hold the reins of your own life and career, and where every decision propels you further along your path to fulfillment and success. This is the vision we embrace at Earth-Empowerment – a vision of empowerment, transformation, and authentic leadership.


Yuri De Keuster is your dedicated guide on this journey of self-discovery and awareness. With a rich background in timeless wisdom and leadership, he provides you with the insights and tools you need to activate and enhance your personal leadership.


At Earth-Empowerment, we believe in the power of authentic leadership and personal development as the foundations for a fulfilling life and successful career. We offer not temporary fixes, but a holistic and transformative approach that enables you to realize your full potential.

Our Mission

We aim to help you rediscover and strengthen your essence and authenticity. Whether you are an executive seeking to deepen your leadership or an individual looking to unlock your personal power, we offer guidance that helps you create a life and leadership filled with meaning, passion, and impact. We want you to realize that the only limits that exist are the ones you impose on yourself.


The Challenges We Address:

  • Activating Personal Leadership: Whether you are an experienced leader or a professional looking to develop your leadership skills, we provide guidance to strengthen your personal power and leadership qualities.

  • Personal Transformation: Many people face challenges such as burnout, stagnation, or the desire for a deeper meaning in their work. We help you restore balance, break through limiting beliefs, and rediscover your inner strength.

  • Team Development and Organizational Change: For teams and organizations striving for effectiveness and growth, we offer strategies and processes to help teams elevate their collaboration and performance through personal and collective transformation.

Our Services

  • Individual Sessions and Executive Coaching: Begin your journey towards strategic leadership and personal growth with our customized sessions and coaching programs.

  • Group Workshops and Team Coaching: Discover how our workshops and coaching programs can strengthen your team and optimize performance.

  • Leadership Development and Personal Growth: Experience our structured approach to deepening your leadership and achieving your personal and professional goals.

Experience the Power of your essence

Contact us today to discover how Earth-Empowerment can support you in activating your personal leadership and realizing your full potential. Your future starts now. Let’s take the first step together towards a life of impact, fulfillment, and success.


“What we call our destiny is truly our character and that character can be altered.
The knowledge that we are responsible for our actions and attitudes does not need to be discouraging, because it also means that we are free to change this destiny.
One is not in bondage to the past, which has shaped our feelings, to race, inheritance, background.
All this can be altered if we have the courage to examine how it formed us. 


Anais Nin